Would you like to know God personally?
I don’t mean a faith that is individual or private, I mean a relationship with God where you know him and he knows you. A relationship that enriches your life, where you interact and hear from him. A personal relationship.
Sometimes it feels like that sort of relationship with God is only possible for really spiritual people. To know God, do you need to wait for a spiritual experience? Devote yourself to religious deeds or become a better person so that God will accept you?
You may be surprised that none of those things will work. Or maybe you’re not surprised because you already tried and weren’t satisfied! Thankfully, God has made it very clear in the Bible how we can know Him. The following principles will explain how you can personally begin a relationship with God, right now, and why you might want to.
If you’re going to start a relationship with someone, it’s important to know if that person even wants to know you, if they care. Also, if you want to know them.
God wants a relationship with you. You are not insignificant to him just because the universe is big and you’re a small part of it. He knows who you are, and he wants a relationship with you because he loves you.
John, one of Jesus’ friends who followed him from the beginning of his ministry, wrote in a letter to some of the the first churches:
“And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.”
- 1 John 4:16
You too can experience this loving God. He is real and wants nothing more than for you to personally experience his love and for you to discover the meaning of your life in your relationship with him.
So God wants to know you, but why should you want to know God? Answering that could fill pages and pages, but for now I’ll share just one: Gesù disse: “Io sono venuto perché abbiano la vita e l’abbiano in abbondanza” (Giovanni 10:10). My friends enrich my life in many different ways. Jesus claimed God does more than that: vuole darti vita in abbondanza.
So why are most people not experiencing this abundant life?
Unfortunately, we humans do not experience God's love because we ignore God. We look everywhere for meaning and fulfillment, but not in God. We don't trust him and we don't believe that he wants good for us.
The Bible calls this attitude and the actions that result from it sin. Sin hurts and destroys our relationships with people and with God, not just in this life, but forever. The Bible says that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23) and that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). The consequence of sin is spiritual death: separation forever from God and abundant life (Romans 6:23).
Sometimes we might imagine God weighing all our good and bad actions on a scale to determine if we deserve a relationship with him, but that's not how the Bible describes God’s view of our sin. Rather than points on a cosmic grading scale, the Bible presents sin as a broken relationship, as a great separating us from God.
We can try to overcome this gulf by doing good, helping our neighbor, or following religious practices, but all our efforts are in vain because they cannot help us remove the great gulf and repair our relationship with God.
Here you may be thinking, but what is God doing in all this? If God loves me, why can't He remove the gulf?
I have really great news for you.
Our sin and isolation do not stop God from loving us. He did not stop, but became a man in Jesus Christ, crossing the gulf, and gave his life for us. Jesus claimed to be God, and said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
Do you remember that the consequence of sin is death? On the cross Jesus took all the consequences of sin upon Himself, instead of us. Jesus died, but He came back to life to demonstrate His power over death and sin. He offers us peace with God and a personal relationship with Him.
John also wrote, "In this the love of God was manifested for us: that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that through him we might live." (1 John 4:9)
Although we didn't deserve it, Jesus' death in our place built a bridge over the chasm that separated us from Him and gave us a chance to be reconciled to God. Through faith in Jesus, that is, by relying completely on what he has done for us, we can experience God's love every day, we can discover the purpose of our lives and have eternal life.
But knowing this is not enough.
There are at least two people in a relationship and both must decide they want that relationship. One is not enough. God honors people's choices and He will not come into your life unless you invite Him.
God has gone out of his way to show us how much he loves us. Through Jesus Christ he offers us abundant and eternal life. We can talk directly to God - called prayer - and ask his forgiveness for living without him. Also, we can choose to live with God from now on, trusting in Jesus Christ.
These two drawings represent two types of people:
The self-directed person
IO (Me)- the person has control over everything
† - Jesus has no influence on his life
This type of person has never accepted the "bridge" that Jesus offered them and their sin continues to separate them from God.
The Christ-directed person
† - Jesus is in control of everything
IO (Me)- The person recognizes him as Lord
This type of person has welcomed Jesus into their life, has been forgiven, and enjoys God's love.
Which circle represents you? Which would you like to represent you?
Maybe you wish there was a third circle in the middle, one where Jesus is in your life, but you are still in control. Instead, I invite you to focus on Jesus' position inside or outside the circle.
There is no middle ground, but this is good news!
Whether Jesus is in your life doesn't depend on how good you are, how consistent you are in following him, or how strong your faith is. When you invite Him in and give Him control of your life, He comes in and promises to stay forever. This is what it really means to call Jesus "Lord"; it's not just a title or a religious word, but an act of trust.
How do I trust jesus?
You can have faith in Jesus simply by talking to him and expressing your desire to have a relationship with God. Know that you don't need special words, just genuine words.
If you want a starting point, try saying this out loud or in your head:
Dear Jesus,
I just read that you love me and would like a personal relationship with me. Maybe we've never really introduced ourselves. I've seen you from afar in other people, I've seen you in statues or churches, I've seen your footprints in nature, but now I want to really get to know you.
I'm sorry that I ignored you, that I tried to do everything on my own. Thank you that despite my indifference, you have not been indifferent toward me. Thank you that you came in person so that I could get to know you. Thank you that you died in my place to overcome the obstacles between us. Thank you that you promised to be my way, my truth and my life.
I ask your forgiveness for all my mistakes. I give you my heart, and permission to come in and transform my life beyond what I can imagine.
I trust your will for my life, and I will seek to follow you.
I now accept your forgiveness; thank you that our relationship is no longer broken.
When I don't feel able, help me to believe. Remind me of your unconditional love. From now on I know you are with me. Thank you.
Wow! You may not feel it, but you just crossed a giant chasm. Every person has a unique journey with God. Maybe you already feel different, or you'll notice the difference in the coming months or years.
But God will never change; He will never leave you. He has promised that this is the way to restore your relationship with him, and God always fulfills his promises.
If you've asked Jesus to be in your life, there are some really good things that are now true for you! Here they are: Resources for Growth
Still have questions? Check out our "Meeting with God" study, 6 lessons to help you connect with Him.
Want to increase your understanding of Jesus and what it means to have a relationship with Him? Check out "Passing From," a series on the fundamentals of Christian belief.
Want a coach to help you with your next steps? Contact us to start a course to about the basics of the Christian faith in your city or on Zoom!